We’re unveiling the new “face” of ViTel Net with the launch of our new and enhanced vitelnet.com experience. Dive into our new site and embark on the ViTel Net Quest for a chance to win a $500 Amazon Gift Card.
Here’s how it works. Take a few minutes to explore our new website and find the clues that will help you answer– what are the “4 ViTel Net Differentiators”. Once you’ve found all the clues fill out our form with the answers, and you’ll be entered to win! Quest ends on March 4th and winner will be announced on March 5th.
As you look for clues, we hope you’ll find that our new website makes it easier to understand the breadth of support that the ViTel Net platform offers, so that you can find the solutions you need – faster. We invite all of our current and future health system and technology partners to browse, engage, and explore our new face of virtual care.

Game Directions
You are looking for a one-word answer on each page:
- Clue #1 Go to Home Page. Scroll to Trusted by Leading Healthcare Providers and slide through provider logos to find your clue.
- Clue #2 Go to Platform Page. Scroll to EHR Integrated and Agnostic and flip the last card to find your clue.
- Clue #3 Go to Partners > Our Partners Page. Scroll to Partnering for Success, clue is in the sub-heading.
- Clue #4 Go to About > Our Clients Page. Scroll to Solution Values to find your clue.
After finding all clues, fill out the ViTel Net form below.
Eligibility requirements: must be affiliated with a health system or physician services organization; no personal emails accepted.
ViTel Net Quest Form
Thank you for taking an interest in ViTel Net’s virtual care platform and playing ViTel Net Quest.
Good Luck!