Our Clients Inspire Us
Explore what medical experts have to say about
vCareCommand solutions.

“One of our goals is to always advance medicine for our small community so patients don’t have to drive 45 minutes to an hour to get the healthcare they need.”
— Heather Rambeau, Chief Nursing Officer,
Coryell Memorial Healthcare System in Gatesville, TX
Solution Values
24/7 Customer Support
On-The-Go Flexibility
Clinical Expertise
Invested Partnership

KLAS Research’s mission is to improve
the world’s healthcare through collaboration,
insights, and transparency.

See How Our Clients Are Innovating with ViTel Net

“NETCCN helped us provide a higher level of care and better care. We were outside of our realm and it allowed us to still give patients the quality of care that they would have received at a larger facility by us having this resource.”
— Heather Rambeau, Chief Nursing Officer,
Coryell Memorial Healthcare System in Gatesville, TX